Friday, April 22, 2011

The Mission:

Each day I will have an assignment for readers in order to better understand their memories.

Today's assignment:
What is your earliest memory and how does it make you feel?

My answer: Being 2 inside a crib and feeling mystical.


  1. My answer: Being inside a zip up crib and finding my way out of it, it was exhilarating.

  2. First time I swam. I was around 3 or so.
    It was somewhat scary but still a huge adventure for a kid.

  3. falling down the stairs... think i was 2 years old :D

  4. I remember being in a crib back in florida and it sucked because I was contained. ( I would always climb out of the crib when I was younger)

  5. It seems my memories begin around the age of 5 or so. I think it was a snow storm and I lost my boot. I was obviously upset, but thrilled about the snow in general.

  6. I was probably like 3-4 I remember my family taking my dad to the hospital for an operation and I was crying a lot. Makes me feel a little nostalgic

  7. think i was 5 or 6. i was playing outside with friends. that's a prominent memory. maybe i remember something before that. don't know.

  8. this is very interesting. I cannot recall when it was for me

  9. My earliest memory is of nearly suffocating in my crib from turning over and no one paying attention to me. Make me feel a little afraid, actually.

  10. i m in.. let s see how this goes :)
